Sunday, August 22, 2010

Blog One (First Amendment) Freedom to assemble


Constitutional Connection:
         First Amendment says,"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Explanation of Connection:
      This video demonstrates the first amendment which gives you the freedom to assemble. Which means you can protest and strike on anything that you feel that you need to fight for. It also says to do it peacefully and rioting is not peaceful. But some people think that protesting and rioting is the same thing . Its not. Rioting is when you dont like something and you protest and burn stuff down and damage things thats not yours.

   There is major conflict about if a mosque should be built near the site of the 9/11 tragedy. Well the constitution gives us the right to express our feelings on weather it should be build but it also gives us the right to have the freedom of religion. And we can protest are opinion.  A lot of people whose family died in the tragedy say that it is an insult to have it build there. I understand the concern of the family who lost the love ones but telling the people that want to build the mosque for there religion "No!" thats unconstitutional.  just because there race may have been the cause for many deaths they should be able to build were they want because of the first amendment. Some also say ,"This is demeaning. This is humiliating that you would build a shrine to the very ideology that inspired the attacks on 9/11."(i lost the source but i didn't say this ) But even if there was a Muslim that committed the terrorist attack not all Muslims are bad or terrorists. Thats a stereotype. Even though people have the freedom to assemble the words  they say or write can hurt the Muslims that want there place of worship to be build. Not all people will be satisfied with the decision that might be made if it is build or if its not. It may bring peace that they even want to consider building it where they want.  

A world without the first amendment would be chaotic if the people were not allowed to protest there feelings on what should be done in this country it would be crazy. In this video its a lot of different opinions about if it should be build. If we have the freedom of religion why cant they build a house of worship were they want. If we say yes and we say no. SOMEBODY IS NOT GONNA BE SATISFIED. 


In this picture they compare this to building a memorial for Hitler in Auschwitz. Which can be very hurtful to a Muslim its almost as if they hate the Muslims but some times you have to forgive. 

If you have the power to say yes or no what would you choose?

I would say yes because they have rights as americans to build it were they want. but then i did not lose anybody in 9/11. so i dont see some of the things others do. 

If you wrote the constitution over would you keep freedom to protest?

Yes. i make you feel like what you saying is imprtant and someone is listening. 


 Jerri J

 ☮ <3 =)

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